Hill Street Blues

The living room of Amsterdam, hip and trendy bar with covered in graffiti

Excellent location / Underground vibe / Good beers / Smoke inside


Great music and a unique atmosphere are waiting in Hill Street Blues. Quiet during the week, you can chill downstairs with the back windows open onto the canal during the summer months, where you can sip a tea, beer, and or joint and look over the canal at the throngs of tourists arriving down from central station.


Hill Street Blues is located in the famous De Wallen or 'Red Light District' of Amsterdam, and is on the legendary 'Warmoestraat’, full of more bar options and great restaurants.

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This legendary bar is home to locals, expats and tourists alike, and has a particularly free and loose vibe, where DJs can be found playing on the weekend, and graffiti artists spotted creating pieces on the walls and tables. Hill Street suffered a major closure during Coronavirus, the bar has since bounced back with new owners, but the same interior.

Visiting tips

Come in the evening on the weekends for a buzzing vibe

They offer a variety of snacks you might not find on the menu, worth asking!

Good quality milkshakes & coffees

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