De Cuevel

Peaceful and unique, Ceuvel is the perfect choice for relaxing lunch or drinks with friends

Great for lunch / Lovely outdoors seating area / It's possible to swim in the canal next to the cafe / Best mushroom Bitterballen

Outside of the cafe showing the artistic design


The best time to visit Cafe Ceuvel is on warm summer/spring days. The outdoor terrace is filled with sun and peaceful music, you can have a seat at the waterfront or even swim in the nearby canal. You will see groups of people chatting, playing games or just reading a book on the cosy armchairs. It is also a perfect place to bring your laptop and get some work done while enjoying a nice view of the canal.

Terrace by the river


Cafe de Ceuvel is located in the North of Amsterdam. To get there you need to take a ferry from Amsterdam Central Station to the North side, the stop is called Buiksloterweg. From thereon it’s just a short cycle away.

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The atmosphere in this cafe is very relaxing. The place is decorated with raw and vintage artefacts that creates an old school vibe.

Personally I think that Ceuvel has one of the best mushroom bitterballen (traditional dutch snack) in Amsterdam, but you must try it for yourself and see. They also make delicious homemade lemonade all from the local fruit.

Visiting tips

For summer, there is a lovely outside sitting area, you can even swim in the canal outside

For colder weather, they have a cosy indoors restaurant

It is located in the North of Amsterdam so you need to take a ferry to get there (ferry is free)

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