Bar Jones

Cosy bar hidden in the heart of Amsterdam

Traditional beers and delicious cocktails / Board games / Excellent location / Cosy living room vibe

The outside of the Bar jones in Amsterdam


When you enter Bar Jones you immediately get a cosy, warm living room feeling. Just find yourself a soft couch and order a cocktail! This bar is perfect for a date night, it has lovely couches so you can sit together closely, dim lighting and romantic candlelight really created the mood. If you stop by with friends, grab yourself a board game, they have tons of them!

Beautiful vintage interior design at Bar Jones in Amsterdam


It is located in the heart of Amsterdam, nearDam Square. The bar is hidden in a small alley just a bit behind the square so it is easy to miss it, but the big red doors will help you find it. 

Buy offical tickets

The place is decorated with vintage furniture, beautiful lamps, old mirrors and other sweet little details. They are masters at making cocktails, you may come for the beautiful interior but stay for their amazing cocktails.

Visiting tips

The bar may get a bit crowded on the weekends so better to come earlier.

The bar doesn’t serve food, just drinks, so make sure to eat before.

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